Orlando Brown "Click Above For Full Story"

Orlando Brown "Click Above For Full Story"

Divide and conquer. 

They tried to divide and conquer us; was it our brown skin they feared or our tenacity to live if given all the God given rights due to any human despite the color of their skin. The history of Orlando is no different from any other city; just different names and faces fighting the same battle. Separating people of color into their own areas to make a clearer distinction between what needed no distinguishing was the plan.

Divide and conquer. 

Though not the original plan, ironically enough, Division Street became the line drawn. It limited Blacks to this designated area for political power and easier means to control. The inevitable was coming…change. The right to vote was too obvious to ignore any longer but still, those determined to break through the voter discrimination and tyranny where killed. Julius “July” Perry could have easily been called Uncle for the way he was accessible to people. He was pivotal in uplifting and inspiring us to live  equally and exercise our right to vote. I wonder if heaven welcome him with hymns of freedom? In his time, heaven was the only freedom some people knew; It was  just a matter of when and how one would arrive. Ask those lost in the Ocoee Massacre. November 2, 1920 should have been the day Blacks cast their ballots, instead heaven opened to welcome in its newest residents.

So, when you see these street names, or places deemed the ghetto or the hood, remember that there is a dark history that lurks around waiting to be discovered or told. Our history told by us, the facts are not whitewashed. History upgraded. #UpgradeHistory

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Love this! Great information and super deep 🔥

Marissa Payne

Love this! Wonderful message behind this brand and “Upgrade History” is so perfect.

Dakari Dunning

Wow!!! So informative. You never no the history or the untold stories behind a lot of these cities and for you to magnify that is always. The stories does stop here, continue to tell the stories for our people, the ones that are not covered in someone else’s history.

Barbara Charles

this story is very much warming to the heart of the chosen ones I truly am thankful for a brand like yours. I am dedicated to supporting you in all ways I can because we must stand together in order for us to upgrade history. History is changed by changing our minds first due to the manipulations of the ones that fear us. I am a proud young king and Lives over money stand within me because all my life I’ve always felt as if we are the creators of most things why shall we pay for our lives to matter? THANK YOU, MR. BROWN.

Tyrin Dukes

this story is very much warming to the heart of the chosen ones I truly am thankful for a brand like yours. I am dedicated to supporting you in all ways I can because we must stand together in order for us to upgrade history. History is changed by changing our minds first due to the manipulations of the ones that fear us. I am a proud young king and Lives over money stand within me because all my life I’ve always felt as if we are the creators of most things why shall we pay for our lives to matter? THANK YOU, MR. BROWN.

Tyrin Dukes

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